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Los Santos Bus Traffic Line
Sit back and watch us go
Information Files
Author: Gta Fishhead
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 07 Nov 2009
Last Updated: 28 Oct 2012
Views: 52098
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4 (5 votes)
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Mod by Gta Fishhead
Version 1.0

Mod information:

As the title says, this mod adds one bus route around whole Los Santos.
The bus stops at the specific stops including 2(two) bus terminals. The main
purpose of this mod is that you can now get on board on one of the buses
(used models are Coach and Bus) and to go around Los Santos for the price of
5 in-game dollars.The are in total 21 station(19 stops and 2 terminals).
Bus stations are listed in the following order:
Santa Maria beach
Verona beach
Second Verona beach
Unity station
XXX Cafe
Playa del Seville
Los Santos Forum
Parking garage (terminal)
Las Colinas
Jefferson motel
Glen park
Betting shop
Downtown Los Santos
Market Station
Marina (terminal)

You can get on board on any of these stations, and the next station is the
next one on the list above, and so forth.
The bus goes counter-clockwise.
(for example, you get on board at the station Market, the next one is Square,
On these two terminals(Marina and Parking garage) you will leave the bus, and the driver will exit the bus
also, and run around for a bit, then he will get back in, and open the doors
which will enable you to get on board again. Expect to wait a bit longer for the
bus to actually leave the terminal!

Usage of the mod:
Now the thing which you have to do first is to locate the actual stations,
I didn't mark them on the map or in-game in any way, and the reason is because
there are a lot of stations, and marking them all on the map will be redundant.
I marked the stations on the map at this mod's page on Gta garage.
When you get at the area where one of the bus stations is, you'll get a
notification that you can wait for the bus in that location, the actual bus
will arrive moments later (maybe you'll have to wait a bit longer, because
it may be on the bus station before that), and besides, you know how public
transportation is like :).

So, what you have to do is next: get into the area of one of the stations,
wait for the bus to STOP at the station and to OPEN the passenger doors,
then by pressing the conversation button "yes", you will get on board.
You will be charged with 5 in-game dollars worth of ticket,
and the actual bus will set of for the next station in the following moments,
you can get out of the bus ONLY when the bus is at the station,
and the passenger doors are open.

Me, Gta Fishhead for converting the original mod first made for Las Venturas,
that original script was made by s02282, and the link is: wnload&id=17381
The things which I did are: I converted the names of the bus stations and the
coordinates of the stations to Los Santos, I added new stations, did lot's of
adjusting before this final release.
And yes, I got a green light from s02282 to convert his script, and to make my own.
You can not in any way redistribute or put on you web site, or anyone elses
internet site this mod before contacting me, Gta Fishhead. This rule applies
to this mod, not the mod made by s02282. If you are trying to do anything
with his mod(s02282's), please check his credits or legal information section
before proceeding, or contact him about his mod.
Many thanks to him.Also me(Gta Fishhead) and s02282, are not responsible for
the potencial damage to anyone's computer, or for damage to anyone's mental
or physical well being that could have been caused by this mod.

Installation section:
Put the File Los_Santos_bus_line.cs into the CLEO folder, and put Bus.fxt file
into the CLEO_TEXT folder.

Final words:
After such a long time I finally released the final version of
this mod, and also a lot of beta testing was involved.
I did this for you gta lovers! Enjoy!

Small bug before the bus gets at the Marina terminal, the bus can not turn
properly, but that is not a bug in the mod, that is bug in the game,
other than that I haven't seen any other bugs.

Version info:

Version 1.0
-probably the final version
-changed the location of where the bus appears, instead of on the previous
station, now they are spawned near the station where the actor is(this is not
true for every station)
-adjusted some coordinates
-made the script more compact
-lots of testing

Version 0.1
-first public release
-full of bugs
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