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Xbox Vice City Cars
Cars converted from XBOX to PC
Information Files
Author: yojo2
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: v0.81/beta
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 15 Aug 2009
Last Updated: 23 Nov 2009
Views: 47606
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.9 (20 votes)
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A set of cars converted from XBOX version of Vice City. They are way better quality than PC ones - they have more polies and better textures.

Packs includes all cars.

Thanks to:
- ALMOST610 for fixing problems with Police and Taxi.
- SLAYERMAGGOT for converting Romero's Hearse and Voodoo.
- Adrian758257 for checking if cars work.

For more information see the included readme file.

Zestaw samochodow przekonwertowanych z Vice City na XBOXa. Sa duzo lepszej jakosci niz te oryginalne z PC - maja wiecej wielokatow jak i tez lepsze tekstury.

Paczka zawiera wszystkie samochody.

Podziekowania dla:
- ALMOST610 za naprawienie radiowozu i taksowki, ktore poprawnie nie dzialaly.
- SLAYERMAGGOT za konwersje Romero's Hearse i Voodoo.
- Adrian758257 za sprawdzenie samochodow.

Po wiecej informacji zajrzyj do dolaczonego pliku readme.
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