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WheelArch Angels Decal *Fix*
adds the missing decals for Elegy, Uranus, Jester
Information Files
Author: ShittyShittyWindows
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Status: Complete
Started on: 15 Aug 2005
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2005
Views: 161862
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.1081 (37 votes)
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Some of you may have noticed that when modifing the Elegy, Uranus, Jester or Flash that the decal textures are missing, so you end up with white squares on the car where the textures should be.

Here is a fix for that problem.

There are 3 versions available for you to choose from. (or you can mix and match)

1. The original missing decals
2. Blank decals (Nothing shows up (no decals))
3. Real-Life Decals. Which are;
Mobil, Sparco, NOS, Kenwood, brembo, FedEx & Pirelli. (Shown on the screenshots)
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