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Tower Arena
Multiplayer level
Information Files
Author: Lantyz
Works with: GTA2 
Status: Complete
Started on: 04 Mar 2009
Last Updated: 04 Mar 2009
Views: 5994
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 2.5 (0 votes)
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Tower Arena is small level which is designed for fast multiplayer games in which you don't have to search for weapons or your opponents. The weapons pistol, dual pistol, electrogun, oil slicks and the power-ups health, invisibility and invulnerability aren't available to keep the speed up. The other weapons have a reasonable amount of ammo and there are two rocket launchers available. The car bomb is also present.
Every player starts on top of a tower with a machine gun with 99 ammo. Players who die respawn on one of the towers and get a new machine gun with 99 ammo. You are almost invulnerable until you get of the tower to attack other players. This makes spawn killing impossible.

To install Tower Arena, place all files (except the readme and map) in the 'data'-folder of GTA2. This download does not replace original GTA2-files, so you do not have to make a back-up. When you have placed all files in data, you can select "Tower Arena" in the multiplayer manager. Remember: each player has to install Tower Arena to play it!
You can play Tower Arena with up to six players.
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