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Multiplayer level
Information Files
Author: Lantyz
Works with: GTA2 
Status: Complete
Started on: 04 Mar 2009
Last Updated: 04 Mar 2009
Views: 11254
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 2.5 (0 votes)
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SWAT is a multiplayer map slightly bigger than Tiny Town. As the name suggests, it is possible to get wanted level 4 which means the SWAT will come after you. Beware, because roadblocks will shoot at every player, regardless their wanted level! Of course, you can also play the map without wanted levels by disabling cops in the multiplayer manager.

The road network contains several cross roads and bridges. The rocket launcher is located on top of a defunct railroad bridge above a road. You have to use a ramp on the other side of the map to jump over the water to get to the rocket launcher, or jump by foot at the other side.

To install SWAT, place all files (except the readme and map) in the 'data'-folder of GTA2. This download does not replace original GTA2-files, so you do not have to make a back-up. When you have placed all files in data, you can select "SWAT" in the multiplayer manager. Remember: each player has to install SWAT to play it!
You can play SWAT with up to six players.
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