Island Hopper is a multiplayer map the size of approximately a quarter of a full map. Unlike normal multiplayer maps, it contains a working gang system like in singleplayer. Every player starts with a gang which respects the player, a gang which hates the player and a neutral gang. Killing gang members decreases the respect of the gang, but increases the respect of another gang. Respect changes faster than in singleplayer: two kills change one bar of respect. When a gang disrespects a player, it will attack that player with pistols.
The map consists of three islands with its own style and gang. The Zaibatsu controls the industrial Northern island, the Cops control the urban Western island and the army controls the military Eastern island.
To install Island Hopper, place all files (except the readme and map) in the 'data'-folder of GTA2. This download does not replace original GTA2-files, so you do not have to make a back-up. When you have placed all files in data, you can select "Island Hopper" in the multiplayer manager. Remember: each player has to install Island Hopper to play it!
You can play this map with up to six players.