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San An Interstate 420
Interstate Highway for San Andreas
Information Files
Author: DeathSquad
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 0.5
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 02 Mar 2009
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2009
Views: 25197
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.54545 (11 votes)
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San Andreas Interstate 420 places a highway around San Andreas. It also includes
the "Legionaire Bridge Zone" which places a large double decker suspension bridge
across the bay in Los Santos, connecting the San Andreas Highway from the southwest
corner of the LS Airport to the southeast corner of the Countryside. This zone
includes new landmass on either side of the bay, the Los Santos side includes a
marina and hydro-powerdam project. The countyside features a State Park Forest.
This area is the direct result of the original San An 420 project, which was going
to create a highway system around San Andreas using the current highway system. This
project was dropped for the construction of a completely seperate highway system.

The San An 420 starts in southwest San Fierro and encircles most of the map, ending
in northwest San Fierro (passing the Countryside, Los Santos and Las Ventura). There
are currently -NO RAMPS- so you will have to use such cheats like JUMPJET and ROCKETMAN
to access the highway, then use a car spawning prog or cheat to create a vehicle to
drive on it. This is why its version 0.5 and is mainly being relased for the Legionaire
Bridge Zone. The highway will feature various styles of on/off ramps and rest areas,
along with your typical signage and billboards. The only section not in place is the
northwest corner in San Fierro, which will feature either a tunnel through the mountain,
or an actual roadway along the top of the mountain ridge.

Other additional areas are planned, such as the Solo Rockstar Mansion (have permission
for us) placed as Norman Bate's house behind the old motel on the San An Highway near
the State Park, the Graveyard from the Vice City Interstate 420, and others.

Hopefully future versions will include an SCM to turn the powerhouse in the Legionaire
Bridge Zone into a safehouse and garage, or place a race around the interstate. See our
GTAForums Thread for more up to date details.
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