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Adidas - Top, Jog & Shoes
Let's talk about sports wear...
Information Files
Author: Dj Paragon
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 12 Feb 2009
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2009
Views: 14914
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.75 (4 votes)
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Hi !

This is an ensemble from Adidas sports wear (shoes, top and pants). It's very similar to Vlizzle's jacket, I know, but you can see some differences eventually. ^^
I always create normal maps for my skins, because I love bump mapping, I think it looks great ingame.(special big up to r0b by the way)

Once again, the files are in *.wdr and *.wtd
You will need SparkIV or OpenIV to install it.

Feel free to give me some feedback.
Thank you guys, I hope you will like this as much as me !

Installing the *.wdr file (the bump mapping) will affect all alternate clothes from the same type. It is not necessary to use it. You can install only the *.wtd file (texture) if you like.

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