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Realist Physics
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Author: Ferna_22 No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 18 Jan 2009
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2009
Views: 26185
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.16667 (6 votes)
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I changed some values from the physics of the game...

For make it more realist I reduced Niko´s the Body Foetal... Who in this world make foetal pose when is thrown from a car? no one!...

I changed people´s wound hold time...

When you jump from a high place, Niko will be more scared, he will move the arms more than before...

List of things:
+Realist falls
+Realist shots

I hope that list grow in the future XD...

I will be thinking what to change, if you´ve got any idea please tell me it...

Realist Falls:
Realist Shots:
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