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10x Max Ammo & Bonus Weapons
special weapon order can change in next versions
Information Files
Author: Dhatz
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 0.92
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 06 Jan 2009
Last Updated: 14 May 2009
Views: 14468
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.44444 (9 votes)
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weapon replacement can now be done with the new trainer 3.4, but that trainer ignores the unused0 weapon

in addition to increased max capacity: sledgehammer instead of basellabat(now with icon in separate file scheduled for download)
visibly stronger desert eagle+armorpiecing rounds
doubled weapon ranges(except shotguns)
increased sniper efficiency
customised expolsionfx.dat with better lighting and adjusted physics force for each effect
AND THESE ADDED WEAPONS(detailed description in readme):
*pistol/nailgun hybrid with huge physics force per shot
*grenade launcher and ammunition(all can be used separatey), which:
create flame burst, explode on impact, create hydrant effect
*minugunM4 which is fast and has huge force and huge damage
since v0.92:
*metalstorm - this is 80x faster mp5!
*ubershotty - twice more accurate, fast as M4

known bugs: people can be found with the special weapons, it is not advised that you play story with this mod, because it might crack(from an unknown reason, but it can).
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brick bit bit bit
bit bit bit bit