Pimp My Car
Neon, Tuning everywhere, HyperSpeedNOS, Seaways, Save 10 cars, attach Missile Gun on car
Information Files
Author: ZAZ
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: Final
Status: Complete
Started on: 12 Oct 2008
Last Updated: 02 May 2011
Views: 1265226
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.53059 (147 votes)
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Pimp my Car Final

Modification for GTA San Andreas with Cleo Library
Features: Neon, Tuning everywhere, HyperSpeedNOS, Effect lights, Seaways,
Save 10 cars, Animations, take wheel from trunk and install it, Open Door Show,
Missile Gun on car, Police Light and much more

Cleo Scripts, several effects and textures by ZAZ
Neon Tubes by Goldkiller -
New effects, especially textures by Function-X-
Much thanks to oCain for SnowFX permission -

Visit my docu site for detailed information about PmC final:
Pimp_my_Car_final Info and Docu

support and discussion at:

PimpmyCar Final is available as autom. install filepack
GAMI- Installer is developed and provided by the Site operators of,
now available under the subdomain
The advantage of this tool is that it gives the chance to
add/replace files in IMG archives and runs the "Rebuild Archiv" function

PimpmyCar Final is also available as manual install filepack
read the readme inthere

/-:- Old Alphaversion: Forums topic: /-:- Pimp My Car (Alpha) is made in 3 variations allways the same 1. Pimp My Car simple small one, just to enable the tuning menue 2. Pimp My Car N light medium script, to enable the tuning menue, add neon, engine and car lights on/off and door lock 3. Pimp My Car Full (Alpha) Neon, Tuning everywhere, HyperSpeedNOS, Seaways Save 10 cars, Cruise Controle, Open Door Show, Animations, take wheel from trunk and install it, attach Missile Gun on car, Minigun, Police Light, Spotlight, Searchlight New effect.fxp, to display turnlights Engine ON/OFF, switch car lights, Passenger Driveby, unflip, undestructible, get Helmet and much more - Use allways only one of the 3 variations: Either PimpmyCar_simple.cs or PimpmyCar_NLight.cs or PimpmyCarFULL1A1.cs and PimpmyCarFULL2A1.cs should run in your Cleo-folder LittlePimpUpdate for PimpmyCar Full (Alpha 1 ) changelog: - weather dont change by entering car - favorite radio station can be set to USER TRACKS - no text message by forcing car highjacking replace PimpmyCarFULL1A1.cs with PimpmyCarFULL1A1b.cs savegames which was done with previous script version are not absolut compatible (maybe they are valid and works without problems because the changes dont belongs to the save data but consider that the code of the script is changed) // CREDITS AND THANKS // Much credits and thanks to Seemann Seemann provides at his homepage the original CLEO 3/4 -Library, which includes additional Plugins, e.g. a MP3 Player In addition he gives support for the CLEO technic and for Sannybuilder Also Credits to "Delfi - Jernej L." author of ASI plugin loader, Garage Mod Manager and TXDworkshop Bart Waterduck for Mission Builder and inspiration Patrik W. for teaching Plynton, spaceeinstein, Craig Kostelecky, Opius, ceej, Y_Less, Nubbel, sleeper777, Dutchy3010, Wesser and much more who made basic work on mission coding Also Credits to brokenfish for NOScode to GodGell for Helimagnet to "Hammer83" for GTA: San Andreas GXT Editor to "Jacob" for San Andreas Place Manager to "Scream2k4" for Ped Editor to Kam for Maxscript to DexX for Maxscript and to Demarest
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