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Tank for dummy's
Information Files
Author: Puma06111991
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: V1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 09 Sep 2008
Last Updated: 10 Sep 2008
Views: 47720
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.55556 (9 votes)
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- Dummytank for Gta: San Andreas by Puma.

- Version 1.0

- Made from scratch with Sketchup, for the textures (editted with Paint Shop Pro) and 3dsMax to convert it to SA (Zmodeler for spec. and carcols);

- Increased handling, drives more like a normal car (not too much, so it would actually drive like a car);

- Five colours (see picture);

- Three extra's:
 - Ferrari logos
 - Pisswasser beer bottles
 - US-Army logos

- See Readme file for more info, contact me by PM or e-mail (puma _ studios AT hotmail DOT com);

- Enjoy!
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