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GTA_Rules Mod For Vice CIty
Map mod for Vice City
Information Files
Author: GTA_Rules
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 18 May 2008
Last Updated: 20 Jul 2008
Views: 22201
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.33333 (6 votes)
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This mod will ad several stuff to your map!


- A Highroad from the 1st island to Starfish Island (near the hospital)
- A highroad over the first island, Starfish Island and the last Island and roads to those Islands (I can't remeber any names I have played Vice City along time ago!
- A highroad from the first Island near the boats (where Colonel Cortez his boats lies) to the airport
- A little stunt Island at the beach near the dirttrack!
- A few stunts near the bikers
- A few added stunts near the malibu club
- A few added stunts near the hospital
- A sort of spawn point at the highroad to the airport (see the youtube vid)
- A road from the big highroad to the top of the Vercetti Mansion


If you have problems or if you have found bugs mail me at my email (included in the zip)

I will make another version if enough people say they like this mod so if not sry i'm going to make another one i hope you like this mod

Thank you

Have Fun Playing GTA!

ps You can watch a vid of this mod here:
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