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Mount Chilliad Town
Adds a town and various signs & traffic lights to mt. chilliad
Information Files
Author: samegamodder
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 10 May 2008
Last Updated: 21 Oct 2008
Views: 20733
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.14286 (7 votes)
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This adds a town to mount chilliad, and various items to the road going up.
This is what I have so far:
On the road going up, it contains traffic lights and signs.
On top of mount chilliad, there are a few houses, a shop and a motel.

The mod is about 80% complete.

NOTE: I have not yet uploaded any images because my new computer doesn't seem to like GTA San Andreas (or vice city for that matter!) I think its something to do with the graphics. So as soon as i get a new graphics card, you will see some screenshots. Work on this mod will still continue as normal.


Work is now continuing! Screenshots have now been released! Bathe in all of its glory! Version 0.3 has been released! All screenshots are from version 0.2 ONLY. 0.3 screenshots coming soon!
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