2 Player Mod
Play the PS2 2 player missions on PC
Information Files
Author: G-Side No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: FINAL
Status: Complete
Started on: 08 May 2008
Last Updated: 10 May 2008
Views: 258086
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.54545 (33 votes)
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3 Days hardcorescripting and now is it finished.

This Mod has the full PC main.scm from the PC + the PS2 2 Player Part.

Now are no crashes or Bugs in the Story Mode and now is GTA-SA complete how on the PS2 or XBOX.

only thing... You doesn't see the Marker that start the 2 Player part on the Map but its easy to found.
One Marker is here:

and there are 5 Marker in the Full Map of GTA-SA

How you can start this Mod stand in the README file. have fun

You must start a new Game by using this Mod!
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brick bit bit bit
bit bit bit bit