Johnson INTL
An update for verdant meadows
Information Files
Author: daviebones
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 0.1
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 15 Sep 2007
Last Updated: 14 May 2008
Views: 17039
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.53846 (13 votes)
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This is a hage make over for verdant meadows it turns it into an intinational airport. A terminal is included (im working to getting the ticket machine going) It includes an Air Traffic Controll Tower for that offical touch. 2 main entrances can be located at either end of the airport as well as some nice billboards to go along. the whole place is surrounded by fences so the police cant get in but there if gates to allow entry for you! There is also an "upgraded" safe house with a vending machine. Trees aurround the entire airport to make it look much nicer. Be nice! This is my first mod and im only 14. Im looking towards upgrading the entire map when i get around to it which is hopefully soon. HAVE FUN!

NOTICE: I have found time (finally) to add some more mods hold you breath this is ganna get interesting... im thinging of completing an entire gtasa make over (no bullsh*t and mucking around)expect weapons, sounds, graphics, cars, textures, effects, names and places, extra islands, more expandability, 100% complete game, clothes and much much more!
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