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LS Airport
This map mod adds several things to LSX
Information Files
Author: SmokingCookie
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.0a
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 09 Jun 2007
Last Updated: 24 Feb 2008
Views: 36649
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.42857 (7 votes)
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This map mod will add several things to LSX. I am still working on it, and within 3 weeks, I get loads of time to work on it.


see ""

Update 1: First release uploaded, more will follow.

Update 2: Second release all around the world. Now, you can shoot the barrel next to the crashed plane, and the ENTIRE plane explodes. I've put in an ENEX marker, but it doesn't work properly, so I disabled it.

Update 3: I'll be uploading another release, with a 3rd plane and the ENEX codes are removed.

Update 4: I am looking for collision stuff of the Andromada (GTA SA contains 2 Andromadas: the car and the interior, I am looking for collision of the last one) but I can't find it, so it might take a while before the next update is there.

Update 5: no Androm, doesn't work :S. Somehow, BETA 3 doesn't work, but BETA 4 (not uploaded yet, but will be uploaded soon) seems to work.

Update 6: I have an idea: Connect the inside-plane marker to Liberty City. This can be seen in Beta 6.

Update 7: I am going to make another mod like this, which places planes to SF Airport.

Update 8: The marker to LC doesn't work properly, trying to fix that.

Update 9: Liberty City is coming. I've created another IPL with a couple of LC objects (do NOT ask me where I got the files and IDs, it's been a F*CKING job... ). I am also creating an ENEX marker to the inside of Saint Mark's Bistro.

Update 10: Final release is giong to contain more things. I can only call a couple of them:

I. A big hangar
II. A plane inside the hangar
III. LOD objects
IV. AlexG' awesome FedEx storage building
 TY for giving me permission to use it!

Update 11: Final release is almost ready to be released.

Update 12: I am putting a lot of time in this mod, I've slightly ajusted my plans, causing a lot of delay... But I have progress.

Update 13: Things are starting to wrong, so development will take much longer than expected...

Update 14: I'm back to modding again..

Brakethrough 1: I finally understand the ENEX system, so I will post a version with an ENEX marker. No more "big" changes. See the important notes in the archive.

Brakethrough 2: The marker INside the plane is now connected to... Liberty City. I'll try to get some screenshots for ya.
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