Flexible ASI
Information Files
Author: HackMan128
Works with: GTAIII GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 2.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 16 Aug 2014
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2014
Views: 20500
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.83333 (6 votes)
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Make your own patches with eASIer to GTA III, Vice City or San Andreas without C++ knowledge
If you have some memory addresses and you want to use them as a patch to the game, you don't need to know any programming knowledge, just some basics about asm if you want to make some advanced patches. Just paste them with your values to eASIer.txt file and run the game. Remember, you can't use some additional white spaces at ends of lines of code. eASIer makes it easy :)
eASIer is patcher, not trainer
Some people can complain that you can't use keypress anytime in game as conditions to run a specific patches. Well, that's tre trainers job, this is patcher, which run once you run the game.
How to use it?
Firstly you put eASIer.asi and eASIer.txt to your game folder or mss folder. eASIer brings already some sample patches, but if you want to make some more, open eASIer.txt file and add line of code, which contains the memory address, value and size in bytes (1, 2 or 4), default is size of the value you use, so you don't need to put third parameter. eASIer.asi and eASIer.txt must be in the same folder.
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