Try This New way of Editing Particles & their Properties,
This tool will let you Edit the Properties(intensity, Color, Time)
of Particles of Vice city Like Exhaust Fumes, Rain, Blood, etc.
During the Game Play, So that you can see the instant Effects,
This make's the Game Much more Interesting/Funny/Real Depending on your Creativity,
The tool Gives you Dual Control,
In-Game or Tab-out,
after Launching the Game and Tool,
Click the Start Button or Press Scroll Lock Key,
1# Select the particle & it's any Property, & Change the Value from Given Value Editor
2# In Game, Press 'Insert' & use Page UP/DOWN to see the particle List,
press 'Insert' on any particle to Get the list of It's Property,
Similarly Stop at any Property & press 'Insert' again to see it's current value,
and change them by pressing Page UP/Down key,
you may press Delete key to get back to previous Menu, (pres page UP/Down if stuck)
if you change the Color of SMOKE, that doesn't mean you car will exert Blu smoke Now,
there is a Particle "Exhaust Fumes" that will do it, i mean Make sure you are looking at the Particle which you are editing.
good luck
:: rogress::
It's Just a Beta Version, to show what this Tool can Do,
The Next Release will Full Fill your All demands & give you a Lot Better Control
on Selecting particle or Properties, & changing them,
::: UpComing Features:::
1# Let you Export the Particle Config. as a File, put it in Particle Folder in Root DIR
then an asi will Insert it in Game whenever you play,
So that you could use These New Particle Effects of any Modder like CLEO or MVL,
2# Gives you an Ability to Export the Changes you have made as an "Particle.cfg" File
Which is used by vice city from DATA folder.
3# In-Game Interface Menu, to Select particles & their Properties Easily by VC Mouse, |