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Super 'Hot' Hidden Pictures - V1
Special Pictures Hidden On The Moon!!!
Information Files
Author: motorider420 No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: V1
Status: Complete
Started on: 08 Jul 2005
Last Updated: 05 Dec 2005
Views: 183185
Type: Conversion
Rating: 2.9 (10 votes)
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<<<J.S. International Corp.>>>


<<<Moon Picture #1>>>
<<<More Coming Soon... >>>

Here is a special treat for all you guys out there! And some of you girls!
I know you'll like this one!

In your "GTA San Andreas/models" directory, backup your "particle.txd" file...
Then replace the old one (not the backup) with mine!

Now theres a "special" picture on the moon!

Also, whenever you lock onto an object using a "lock on target" weapon (meaning
the ammo will follow the target), "FIRE!" will appear instead of a boring circle, it is
designed to encourage you to keep shooting faster and faster, which will keep you
alive longer!

Have a picture you'd like to put on the moon?
[email protected]

Put... "MOON PICTURES" in subject line and nothing else, I will then send you back
a new "particle.txd" file... with the picture on the moon!

To help you see the moon, type in... ICIKPYH ... then type in... XJVSNAJ
... and you'll be able to see the moon...

Shoot at the moon with a sniper rifle to change its size, I reccomend the smallest moon
size to view the picture properly!
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