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{MVL} Deejay Zbocur Weapons
Scissors, Glock & PM-98 Modeled By Deejay Zbocur
Information Files
Author: ALMOST610
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: 1.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 18 Dec 2012
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2012
Views: 9482
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4 (4 votes)
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Deejay Zbocur MVL Weapons
These are new Weapons made by Deejay Zbocur, I was chatting to him about a different mod when I noticed he had made several weapons for Vice City, I then asked if it could convert them into MVL Format, upon doing so he said for to just include his Read Me's, Credit Him and then put them up GTAG on My Side. I may have overwhelmed him with all this information about MVL, but I am sure in time if it is looked into he will quite well understand it all. Here are the Original Mods GTA Garage Pages. PM-98 Glauberyt SMG Scissors Glock 17
First download Maxo's Vehicle Loader 0.98, upon downloading and installation download this file MVL 0.98 Weapon Update and overwrite the existing MVL files with the updates in that archive, then in the 'mvl' folder create a new folder called 'weapons' and in there you can place (For Example) "w104_nailgun.7z" and any other MVL Weapons you have ready. Then fire up the game and BAM! Nailgun.
[QUOTING MAXORATOR]Anyway, weapons are not yet fully implemented, but they can be tested already. The "libpng15.dll" goes to mvl folder. "wlist" folder contains generated XML files for default weapons (you can generate them yourself by pressing ALT+NUM7+NUM5+NUM9, but you'll have to create mvl/wlist folder first). There's also Frank.s's pike there and the Spike Strip weapon archive, which you should put into "mvl/weapons" folder. You can get the added weapons from the "Weapons" menu in windowed mode. There's a lot of things still not working properly with custom weapons though. If someone has the time, it would be nice to have an archive for each default weapon. ALT+5 spawns the weird road thingy, which you can also control manually by pressing NUM4/NUM5 to make it turn up/down, and NUM7/NUM8 to make it turn left/right. Still haven't fixed towing, you can try enabling with setting extra flag 0x00400000, but don't hope much from it. To pick up a car you have to hold and then release NUM0. Extra view is still only rendering the same objects as the main view.
The Quote Code For Some Reason is not working right now so I placed the text in a table. At the Moment, You must play in MVL Windowed Mode to access the Weapons Menu. NOTE: If a version later than MVL 0.98 is available then download that as it will have all those updates that I pointed you to above. Credits To Deejay Zbocur for making the Models. Any Questions, Just PM Me. Version 1.0 - 17/12/2012
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