Vice City Trails
Make Vice City shine brighter!
Information Files
Author: SilentPL
Works with: GTA Vice City 
Release/Version: 1.01
Status: Complete
Started on: 26 Nov 2012
Last Updated: 28 Jul 2013
Views: 104610
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.88235 (34 votes)
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Vice City Trails
Played Vice City on PS2? Or maybe III on any platform? You miss the option to make your game brighter and more 80s looking, don't you? Well, Rockstar must have hated this effect, as for unknown reasons it had been cut from PC versions of Vice City. However, it was a quick cut and it's possible to re-enable this effect. That's what Vice City Trails does. You might ask, what makes VC Trails better than any other mod which re-enables this Display Graphics option (as it's not the first modification which restores them)? Firstly, it's an ASI plugin. That means you won't have to get rid of your favourite Steam Overlay just to have the game seem more blurry. Secondly, unlike all the other mods, this one actually saves Trails option as any other Graphic option, which means you don't have to re-enable it every time you start the game. After all, it's just more worth it to have an extra file in Vice City directory than to mess with your EXE. Installation is easy as pie. Put vctrails.asi file in the game root directory or mss folder and play.If your EXE is supported, mod will just load. If your EXE is not supported, well, you're screwed (but you still can play). Showcase video Supported game versions
  • GTA VC 1.0 (all versions)
  • GTA VC 1.1 (all versions, including Steam version)
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