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Andromeda with Working Interior
Andromeda with working interior
Information Files
Author: HiddenMyst No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 4.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 04 Sep 2006
Last Updated: 13 Sep 2006
Views: 121980
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.32141 (28 votes)
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This is a complete remake of my original "Andromeda with Interior" mod.
It adds the interior from the mission "Stowaway" and has working collision.
You can carry cars from one island to another, if careful.

Notes: -If you enjoy the bordom of taxiing planes then I don't recommend this mod, as the plane is now the width of two desert runways.
 -I need someone experienced to help me with the handling.
 -If you are mentally retarded and cant find the plane, then use a car spawner (It doesn't spawn on it's own.)
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