Crysis Nanosuit
Information Files
Author: ikt
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: BETA
Status: Complete
Started on: 26 Apr 2011
Last Updated: 13 Jul 2011
Views: 29290
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.5 (8 votes)
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GTA IV: Nanosuit
You will need the following for the mod to function: - an asi loader - ScriptHook The following files will need to be in the folder GTAIV.exe is located in: - Nanosuit.asi - Nanosuit.ini - armor.wav - cloak.wav - speed.wav - strength.wav The mod will be loaded as soon as the game has loaded. On startup you should hear "Maximum Armor"
Doubletap S for Armor mode, doubletap Left Alt for Strength, doubletap Shift for Speed and doubletap Z for Cloak. Press N (one time) for Night vision. The keys may be changed in Nanosuit.ini. In that file you can also enable/disable the suit voice and set the doubletap speed. (for slower or faster computers) The key system this mod is now using is quite unusual. Check the keys.png for how the keyboard layout is done. Some values are unknown to me.
ARMOR MODE In this mode, the suits offers most protection. Falling damage, melee damage and damage done by physical events (hit by car, etc) will be zero-ed. You will still be vulnerable to bullets and explosions, but in this mode, damage from those are reduced. However, if you get shot or damaged in another way, energy will be used. This is also the only mode that regenerates health and armor. Energy is regenerated quickest in this mode. If energy is low, this mode automatically takes over. It's also possible to switch back to this mode by doubletapping S. STRENGTH MODE To get in Strength mode, you need to doubletap Left Alt. This will be able to jump much higher and you'll be able to launch cars by meleeing them. Launching cars takes a lot of energy, jumping takes less energy. SPEED MODE Doubletap Shift for this mode, you move much faster. If you are sprinting, you'll even sprint faster. But while sprinting, your energy will decrease. CLOAK Doubletap Z for going in Cloak mode. Attackers won't see you anymore and stars get greyed out. NIGHT VISION A very primitive night vision mode. It does help in low lighting conditions though. Press N for this.
- sometimes certain cars do not get launched. - EFLC may not work properly due to other animations. To do: - add sound effects for when modes disable due to low energy - launch peds/objects - throw stuff further - improve night vision - make a version that copies Nanosuit from Crysis - make another version that copies Nanosuit 2.0 from Crysis 2 Report bugs and other problems at You're welcome for tips and just chatting too! - ikt Huge thanks to everyone helping me making this mod. Nanosuit skin can be found here.
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brick bit bit bit
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