Crash Injury
Car accidents should hurt!
Information Files
Author: BR_Goianiense No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA IV 
Release/Version: 1.0.0
Status: Complete
Started on: 15 Apr 2011
Last Updated: 15 Apr 2011
Views: 18132
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.88889 (9 votes)
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By BR_Goianiense
Version: 1.0
Released: 04/15/2011

- If you crash your vehicle, everyone inside will lose a realistic quantity of health.

- The amount of health lost depends on the severity of the crash.

- You can be unconscious for a few seconds depending on the severity of the crash.

- Being on a bike or flying through windscreen takes more health from you than being in a car.

- You can get lucky sometimes and get away from a big accident with only a few scratches.

- Needs HazardX's .net scripthook version 0.891 or later. ->

- xLiveLess or HazardX's YASIL. -> (xLiveLess)


Place the files and CrashInjury.ini into the scripts folder within the game directory.


Change the values inside CrashInjury.ini to control the mod behavior.


DisplayMessage=1 -> 1 means a message with a countdown will appear whenever you get unconscious, 0 means it won't.

CriticalDamage=10 -> in percent, can go from 5 to 50. This is the minimum amount of damage the car has to get in a crash to to be enough to hurt people inside. So 10 means the car has to lose at least 10% of its maximum condition in the crash to be considered an accident.

InjuryMultiplier=150 -> in percent, can go from 50 to 300. The value indicated here indicates the proportion between the severity of the crash and the injury. Higher numbers will hurt more, lower numbers will hurt less.

CanGetUnconscious=1 -> 1 turns on the unconsciousness feature, meaning Niko can get unconscious if he loses a lot of health in the crash, 0 disables the feature.

HealthLossToGetUnconscious=25 -> in percent of the total health, can go from 20 to 50. This is the minimum amount of health Niko has to lose in a single crash to get unconscious.

UnconsciousnessBaseSeconds=5 -> can go from 3 to 10. This is the base amount of time Niko will pass out if he gets unconscious. In practice, the amount of seconds he'll be blacked out depends on how hard the impact was. If Niko loses double the health necessary to make him unconscious, he'll be passed out double the time indicated here, LIMITED TO 10 SECONDS MAXIMUM ALWAYS.
PowerFusionX commented over 12 years ago:
Doesn't seem to work for me. Nothing at all happens when I crash. EDIT: I don't know why it got posted twice.
PowerFusionX commented over 12 years ago:
Doesn't seem to work for me. Nothing at all happens when I crash.
noczh commented over 12 years ago:
a bug i find!! when niko is unconscious by the accident, i still can control the car?? please fix it ! it will be prefect
BR_Goianiense commented over 13 years ago:
 QUOTE (monster875. @ 15:21, 04 May 2011)
when i geet unconsience, the cops r also unconciense, because if i get unconfience for 8 seconds and the cops r just 1 meter away from me, they don't arrest me, they actually don't even get out of teir car. but when i'm in conciense, they start talking again and other things they normally do in a pursuit
The cops are not unconscious. They just wait in their positions. That's because when you're unconscious, the cops don't know if you're alive or dead, actually they suspect you're dead. They won't arrest or pursuit you, they'll wait in their positions next to you until you start moving again.
monster875. commented over 13 years ago:
when i geet unconsience, the cops r also unconciense, because if i get unconfience for 8 seconds and the cops r just 1 meter away from me, they don't arrest me, they actually don't even get out of teir car. but when i'm in conciense, they start talking again and other things they normally do in a pursuit
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