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Andromada Interior
Andromada with interior
Information Files
Author: HiddenMyst
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: v 0.2
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 03 May 2006
Last Updated: 13 May 2006
Views: 102608
Type: Conversion
Rating: 3.41667 (12 votes)
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This is my first 3d mod for San Andreas.
It is a followup to my request on GTAForums (Therefore not a rip off of anyone elses mods.)

My mod has scaled the original flyable Andromada to the size of the one with the interior.
Later releases will include the actual interior from the mission "Stowaway".

Although it doesnt have a proper inside it does have enough to fit the equivilant of the tank, and has quite a bit of headroom.

Collision still requires work though, but you can carry vehicles if you are careful.

For All those wondering I will be making an IPL Spawn for the Andromada when I know how, so feel free to send me tutorials on this (The more cooperation that I get the better the mod is.)

And yes, this plane is much bigger than the original.
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