Real SA
Bored of the old one?
Information Files
Author: CharlieDu No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.1 Final
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 22 Mar 2006
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2009
Views: 85451
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.82353 (17 votes)
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Readme File
Copyright Protected
Real SA mod done by Charlie
Version 1.1 Final
Bugs please email to me [email protected]

Map Mods
1.	Your Grove Street looks more real and luxury.
2.	Added some objects in CJ's garage in San Fierro, now the INSIDE of the garage is accessable
3.	Your Verdant Meadows Airport is new
4.	Added lots of objects in-game that you won't notice
Script Mods
1.	All weapons spawn on Grove Street, and plus 6 bribes, 4 body armours and 3 health packs, all unlimited ammo
2.	All Weapons spawn at Verdant Meadows and plus 6 bribes, 4 body armours and 3 health packs, all unlimited ammo
3.	2 handy weapons spawn at your garage in SF, minigun and tec-9, unlimited ammo
4.	4 best vehicles in game spawns at grove street, nrg500, cheetah, infernus, bullet and turismo
5.	added rhino, monster, nrg500, buffalo, cheetah bullet, turismo, greenwood, hotring, fbi rancher at your garage in SF
6.	all planes spawn at Verdant Meadows.
Texture Mods
1.	The weather acts like real world: correct sunset time and correct sunrise time, no daylights during night time.
2.	The vehicle textures has changed: real car glasses and lights
3.	Real blood texture, smaller moon, real explosion texture
4.	Real vehicle reflection texture
5.	Water has realstic textures
6.	The amout of peds and vehicles has been modified. There are more vehicles during the business hours and less vehicles at night.
7.	Cops are more tempered
Misc. Mods
1.	Real car handling
2.	Real car names
3.	added some real car colours
4.	Fixed stream.ini so the game will remember your parked cars
1.	Checklist - a checklist the missions you have done, tags you have sprayed, snapshots you have taken, horseshoes and oysters you have found and much more in order to get 100 percent
2.	Time Sync tool - a handy tool that allows the game clock is your computer clock
3.	Vehicle Spawner - a tool that spawns all the vehicles ingame
4	Water level customizer - a tool that lets you customize the water in game

1.	I suggest you back up your whole "data" folder before you begin
2.	Copy the ALL the files and folders in this archieve to your gta sa installation directory.
3.	Use a IMG tool editor to replace the files in gta3.img folder (I suggest you use Spark IMG Editor because you don't have to build the whole archieve)
4.	Play!
5.	Enjoy!

Note: This Mod works best with the Froozen Bone Country Texture Mod
Readme File
Copyright Protected
Real SA mod done by Charlie
Version 1.1 Final
Bugs please email to me [email protected]
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