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Car Spawner By Fastman92
ranges, categories, full trailers, config in .ini
Information Files
Author: fastman92
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 2.2
Status: Complete
Started on: 11 Nov 2010
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2017
Views: 305686
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 4.58065 (31 votes)
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Car spawner 2.2 by fastman92

This CLEO mod is car spawner for GTA San Andreas.
It has implemented sorting algorithms, advanced configuration in .ini file, thus it`s deditaced for those who add cars to GTA SA.
 In this case adding cars means adding car with ID not 400 <= ID <= 611, that is not replacing.
Version 2.0 has been complety rewritten, panel with sorted list of vehicles is being created.
They are sorted according to their actual GXT entries that appear when you enter a vehicle.
Therefore list is not static and relies on vehicle names.
Rotation of camera when car spawner is running works too if you hold on the \ slash key and move the mouse around.

Fully compatible with GTA San Andreas v1.0 [US] HOODLUM No-CD Fixed EXE & GTA: San Andreas v1.01 [EURO] No-CD/Fixed EXE
Fully compatible with any screen (4:3, 16:9, 16:10... )
Partly Compatible with CLEO3
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Installation Make sure you are using one of the following gta_sa.exe versions: 1. GTA San Andreas v1.0 [US] HOODLUM No-CD Fixed EXE: EXE size: 14 383 616 bytes 2. GTA: San Andreas v1.01 [EURO] No-CD/Fixed EXE: EXE size: 15 806 464 bytes Car spawner is fully compatible with both of them, 1.0 US and 1.01 Euro No-CD shortly. // Script requires CLEO3 or CLEO4 Library (best with IniFiles.cleo) // Beware when CLEO3 is used functionaly is greatly limited. // CarSpawner.ini and trailers won`t work. Static configuration will be used instead. Nothing can be changed. CLEO4 functionality works when these conditions return true: if and 8AAB: not file_exists "CLEO\GxtHook.cleo" 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\IniFiles.cleo" then EnableCLEO4AdditionalOpcodeOperations = true // code... end Basically GxtHook.cleo is supposed to exist when CLEO3 is activated (it`s needed for FXT text files), while IniFiles.cleo and IntOperations.cleo are appropriate for CLEO4 and must exist for ability to read CarSpawner.ini If you haven`t CLEO Library then download it from here: http://cleo.sannybuilder Then: - Copy all files from put_to_root_of_GTASA to GTA San Andreas directory. - Eventually you can open CarSpawner.ini to change some options. - For boolean settings values (1, true, yes) are equivalent and will set to 1. Reading is not case-sensitive. Any other value than the following will cause setting to be false. Usage (after you installed mod) • Run the game. • Press 3 on left side of keyboard (can be altered within CarSpawner.ini • When car spawner is enabled: • press 3 again to quit car spawner and remove a vehicle • press Space to quit the car and put a player in spawned vehicle • press Enter to quit the car and leave a vehicle unimpaired Why some names of vehicles with different IDs appear more than once on list of vehicles? They have the same GXT entry set up in vehicles.ide. For example there is 489 and 505 that have GXT key RANCHER. You can edit vehicles.ide and change the GXT key of such a vehicle. Create e.g vehicles.fxt with new GXT key and entry for that. Configuration (open CLEO\CarSpawner.ini) • Key options - they have assigned one of virtual key codes, see the list here: • Boolean (true or false) options - they become true, if their string value is: - true - yes - 1 Checking a value is not case sensitive. "TRue" is the same compared to "true" • Each category can have specified type of vehicles, list of types and their numbers is included. Number of categories may vary. • There may be more ranges than range_1 with start and end. You can add range_2, range_3, range_4 and much more... Number of ranges is automatically calculated. • Vehicle can have trailers, configures as [trailer_%d] with 1=, 2=... where %d is vehicle ID Number of trailers specified for a vehicle is automatically calculated. Changes 2.2 - fully compatible with new ID limits 2.1 - Car spawner is partly compatible with CLEO3 now. It means CarSpawner.ini won`t work and spawning of trailers being put to their cab vehicles in result. Static configuration will be used instead. That is caused by lack of Ini opcodes in CLEO3. - pressing the spacebar caused crash because of incorrect sequence in main loop of running car spawner. By space a player was to be put in vehicle that didn`t exist yet. Pressing enter crashed a game too. Now if EnableCarSpawnerKey is pressed together with VK_RETURN VK_SPACE - car spawner won`t get enabled. Copyright (c) 2017, fastman92 All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Informations: Date of release: 05-07-2017 (d-m-Y) Author: fastman92 Version: 2.2 For: GTA San Andreas E-mail: [email protected] Visit
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