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Killer Surgeon + Chainsaws
2 Surgeon skins, 3 chainsaw skins.
Information Files
Author: Khardynyl
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1
Status: Complete
Started on: 27 Jun 2005
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2005
Views: 29025
Type: Conversion
Rating: 4.85714 (7 votes)
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Included is 2 versions of my own creation, Serial Killer Surgeon. Not a catchy name, more of a description.

One skin is normal surgical clothing, other skin is same clothing but now covered in lots and lots of BLOOD! MUWAHAHaHaHAHAha!

Also included, 3 skins for the chainsaw (the surgeon's choice for invasive surgery). All 3 skins are much higher quality textures than the game normally has. 1st Chainsaw skin is orange, second yellow, third yellow but now covered in BLOOD! AAHRHAHARHAHHAHAHhaha!
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