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Maps for MTASA
Maps for MTASA
Information Files
Author: stijn_fi
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Status: Complete
Started on: 01 Feb 2006
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2006
Views: 45138
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 2.5 (0 votes)
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You can use these maps in your MTASA server. Other people can play them in your server. I'll update the maps one by one, and when i finish more and more maps i'll update them too.

The most maps have 32 spawnpoints.

I've uploaded a 19 MAPS hope you enjoy them.

Just extract the files from rar, then you just put them in the folder where the maps are from your server. This should be somewhere in the Mta San Andreas/server folder.

As you can guess, this is a stunt map. The WHOLE airport in Los Santos is full with objects to stunt on, like buildings, loopings, little mountains, stairs, the stadium of San Fierro is in there with stunt objects, skatepark and more crazycool stuff like that! But that's not all. There is a new kind of Island added in the sea nearby the airport, where a big buildings is, many more stunt objects, old busses, ramps, loopings, stairs and sh*t. On every place it's meant that you'll be there; everywhere are groups of vehiclechangepickups. Not all vehicles are able to get. Nearly all vehicles that have 2 wheels, included Quadbike, cars like the Hotring Racer and the Banger, Monstertruck or Hotknife. The sportcars are there too, all of them. You can get a few funny vehicles too, like a RCBandit or a Kart. Here and there are Nitro and Repair pickups, so you can heal yourself. This is a realbigsuperultracool STUNTMAP for everyone! You can see a few pics on the screenshots (scroll down ;) ) of the stuntmap, but there aren't pics of the part on the sea.

Everyone begins in a Limosine (a.k.a. Stretch) on the carpark of one of the big Villas in the Vinewood area. You must "race" as fast as possible to a checkpoint in the Villaneighbourhood in Las Venturas. What else can I say about it?

This is a racing map, and as you can see on the name ("Fastfood" ;) there will be racen with sportscars, like the Bullet, SuperGT, Cheetah and Banshee. You'll drive throug a few FastFood restaurants in Los Santos, and end on the Grove, in front of CJ's house. It's a race with much speed and a few ramps, but not to much so you can explode or "die".

This is a race that let's you begin on a TruckerStop, near Las Venturas. You'll race in all kinds of Trucks, from Linerunner to Packer, from Flatbed to Dune. You drive through the Docks of San Fierro, and will drive after that to the San Fierro Airport, where you'll get an Nevada (airplane). You'll fly to the airport of Los Santos and land there, and drive with an other truck to the a truckstop in the Docks.
This is the most fun, fantastic and great map i've made. It is a STUNTMAP, with much ramps, high ramps, fast vehicles, loopings and other crazycool sh*t like that. Everyone likes this map. It has 32 or more spawnpoints, and the vehicles used are NRG-500, FCR-900, Turismo, Infernus, Rustler, Dodo, Jetmax, Hydra and Skimmer. You begin in Los Santos, to Las Venturas, and end in San Fierro. That looks like a looooong way to go but with all those ramps and C:D :D L sh*t it's truly NOT BOOOOOORING!

You'll race in different vehicles, around the desert near Las Venturas. The vehicles used in the map are Sanchez, Sandking, Quadbike, BF-Injection and Yosemite. The race contains 32 spawns. This is not a boooring rally race, but a new race, and a few cool objects added to make more ways possible...

You'll race in different vehicles, around the airport area, and end by the Hospital LS. The vehicles used in the map are Police LS, Police LV, FBI-Tank, Enforcer, Ranger, HPV1000 (police bike), Firetruck and Ambulance. A few ramps added here and there, to make it more interesting. The race contains 32 spawns.

You'll race with sportscars, round the freeway of Las Venturas. Nitro added on the freeway, and this race is built for drive as fast as possible straight ahead. The vehicles used are Turismo, Bullet, Cheetah and Infernus. There are no ramps or other objects that will block your ride or other things like that.

I built this map just for fun. It contains a network of roads, added a looping and few ramps, a parking garage and carspawns and other of this sh*t. It's a little bit like freeroam, but on a 'new' map. It's almost realistic :D .

This is one of the most funniest maps i've built. You'll begin with a kart, and fly, and land on a road somewhere high in the sky. The vehicles used are the Kart, NRG-500, and Hydra. You'll begin in Los Santos with a Kart, and will fly with the Hydra (little trick used ;) ) to Las Venturas where you'll see a freeway floating high in the sky. This is a map for FUN, FUN and FUN!

This is a map that let you drive through San Fierro, but with a limited network of ways that you can use. It's nearly Monaco. I've placed 'fences that look like red-white striped little fences' that will block every way coming from left or right. It is a real racing map. The whole map you'll drive in a Hotring Racer, to make it more speed-looking. There are many places where you can go full speed, and i've added repair and nitropickups.

Mayby if you know the movie, you'll understand immedeatly what i mean with this map, or maybe you know a little bit of history. This map is based on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. It's on the millitairy base in San Fierro. You are a Hydra, Hunter, Rhino or Predator so that it looks like a real militairy fight. It's a war map and not a race with checkpoints.. THE STRONGEST WINS! ...

This map is the first map i've made, and it is not a bad one. You'll start on the Airport in Los Santos as a HPV1000 (police bike). It's a fun map, a race map. You'll use all kinds of vehicles, from car to plane, from boat to hovercraft. There are objects placed here and there, so the map isn't as normal. It is a FUN race.

As you can see on the name, this map is about cycling. You begin somewhere in Los Santos, and cycle through the countryside in the south-east of San Andreas... on a MountainBike. At the end you'll cycle up the Mount Chiliad, and there waits a big surprise... you jump down to San Fierro and head to the finish! This is NOT a boooring map, if you think that is. Cycling is boooring (i know) but this isn't!

This is a map just for the fun, looks a little bit like Total Overdose. You'll start in a Raindance, high up in the sky... and fall down. But your helicopter will start at the time so you won't crash. You'll fly to the Los Santos Airport (not far) and change your heli to a streat-clean car (don't know the name right now:D). Then you'll be a Infernus (speeeed) and fly away with a dodo. The whole race goes a little bith like this, but further in the race it's going to be a cooooool race. You'll turn to a Vortex, and a Boat. You'll drive in a Patriot somewhere into the sky on a road that never been there, and turn to a HUGE truck (Dune)... and you'll stunt with a Infernus and change to a Boat.. A COOL STUNT-RACE MAP FOR EVERYONE THAT LIKES PLAYING MTA SAN ANDREAS! (not difficult)

This map will let you start at the highest skyscraper in Los Santos. You drive with your Pizzascooter from skyscraper to skyscraper. It's a special map you'll never forget...

This map begins in the Grove, in front of CJ's house. You'll travel around Los Santos using cars and motorbikes. This map is a race map, and there are ramps and other sh*t like that added. It's a funny race map, and it's not a special race map or something.

This map is about a race in Las Venturas. You begin somewhere on a carparkgarage, and will race through Las Ventures with style, like the Stretch, Stafford or Freeway, but there are fast vehicles added too, like the Turismo, FCR-900 and Banshee. There are 'special' vehicles in there too, like the Vortex (hovercraft) or Kart.

You'll begin near the Driving School, and go full throttle to the other side of San Fierro. There you'll Kart around a little bit. After doing that, a very special and cool bit of race's coming. You'll go with the Vortex over the water to the BIG ship laying near the Militairy Base. Acces on the back, just like in the mission where you must steal the Hydra. There you'll get a Sanchez and stunt and drive up to the deck, stunt to the water and turn into a boat. Then you'll get to land in no time, and drive right through the Wang Cars Showroom, with glass everywhere. Then you head to the finish with here and there a few stunts. A really cool and stunt-race map if you like MTASA!

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