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San Andreas Audio Toolkit
Tool to import and export both music and sfx.
Information Files
Author: pdescobar No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.10
Status: Complete
Started on: 09 Jan 2006
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2006
Views: 341530
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 3.84444 (45 votes)
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The San Andreas Audio Toolkit (SAAT) is a set of commandline tools useful for modding the PC version of the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. SAAT allows the importing of Ogg Vorbis files into SA audio streams and the importing of WAVe files into SA sfx archives. It will also necessarily allow exporting from each type of archive into individual files.

SAAT is released under the GNU GPL and the distribution includes complete C++ source code as well as pre-compiled Windows binaries. The initial release version is fully functional, and future plans include adding a more user-friendly interface based upon user feedback and suggestions.

For online copies of the documentation: README MANUAL
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