Hi all... (my English too bad sry... )
My first dyom mission on GTA San Andreas.I did a remake for GTA San Andreas so be honest for my new projects.it says bydesigned dyom etc..but designed by me(VinTagR) so pls do not tell me "you are noob" etc. (this can be my last/first misson ^^)it's too easy and small mod you can finish in 1-2 mins if you are pro... if you are newbie you can finish it in 5 mins...
I think everybody in this forum played Call Of Duty 4... But on GTA San Andreas? I don't think so.I did the first mission from Call Of Duty 4 called "Crew Expandable"... In this mission you controlling the Sgt. MacTavish(Soap), and you have a team.Explodes for ship is sinking because russian helicopter shoot to the ship... i didnt cutcene because when i did it game crashed
We have positive id nuclear weapons on this ship... You have to check...
For Video!
Installing The Mod
1. Unrar the .Rar file
2. Open the folder and readme (i think you can do this)