GTA: VCHQ 2002 (Released 2010) - Mc-Kay
Contact: [email protected]
This is an old mod to see how the engine would work without LODs.
Remember back in 2001 when VC was released we all had slower machines, so R* adopted the LOD system for far away objects.
Todays computers we do not need to use LODs, hense all the onjects can be shown across the mod in High Quality.
I decided to release this as it was part of the original SOL project.
To Install:
1. Remove read only from your newly installed GTA VC files.
2. Just copy the mod's files to your GTA root folder.
3. Open up the Limit Adjuster 2 shown below.
Adjust your gtavc.exe to the following and save.
Thats it and enjoy.