Viewing News for New Generation

 Sep 23 2012

New v1.1 released!

Posted by theGTAgangsta.
Hey, well, last version contained accidently hot coffee mod which is not allowed to be used so I just removed the hot coffee mod and reloaded the game where Katie Zhan was still alive. In this version you will spawn in a grove territory surrounded by Bikers territories and please remember that every single file of the download is important, any suggestions? Well, just tell me!

 Sep 23 2012


Posted by theGTAgangsta.
It has been discovered that - I don't know how the hell it got in it - Hot Coffee mod has been include in v1.0 and that Katie Zhan was dead so in v1.1 the hot coffee has been removed and Katie Zhan is now alive with 100% progress. As soon as v1.1 is approved, I will remove v1.0! Thanks for reading! :)
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