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Memory manipulation using .NET
Information Files
Author: Donny78 No Screenshots Available Yet
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.3
Status: Work In Progress
Started on: 07 Dec 2010
Last Updated: 12 Dec 2010
Views: 10277
Type: Created from scratch
Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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This library makes it easy to hook into the San Andreas process and manipulate it's memory values using the .NET programming languages. It has various read/write functions along with a few other helpfull ones such as capturing key presses or editing files, they are all explained using intellisense and are pretty straight forward.

The zip contains a readme, the xml file with the explinations for the functions and the EasyEdit library itself, the readme explains how to use the library but I've also provided an example below.


12/12/2010 -

Removed the executable name requirement for the constructors path parameter
Added "GetPlayerPointer" and "GetPlayerVehilePointer" functions for ease of use
Corrected some of the constant names to reflect the value more clearly

08/12/2010 -	

Added quite a few constants containing either a base or an offset for usefull addresses

07/12/2010 -

Added "StopSanAndreas" - Kills the San Andreas process
Added "AreKeysPressed" - Checks if two keys are currently pressed, a wrapper around "IsKeyPressed" for ease of use
Added "WriteScmInt, WriteScmSingle, ReadScmInt, ReadScmSingle" - read/write global variable values from/to the SCM
Added a second constructor method which allows a path to be passed for applications outside the SA root folder
Updated all string functions with a boolean encoding setting
Updated the intellisense to include return types in all none void functions
Updated the intellisense to reflect the changes in 1.1

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brick bit bit bit
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