This mod includes 5 mods (yet) : 1. Burnout mod. After long burnout your car or bike wheels explode and will burn. 2. Helmet mod. If you are driving bike , you can press Y button to put a helmet on, and if you want to take it off , just exit bike , and press N button. 3. Surrender to cops mod. If you have wanted level then you can press Y button (on foot only) to surrender to cops. 4. Car fire. If your car is burning then the flames comes out of your wheels too. 5. Window crash. If you will hit the car or obstacle in high speed ( 80 km/h - 200 km/h) then you will crash out from window. Thanks for Doomed_space_marine for helping me to create this window crash mod. ThE PicTuReS: Currently = No Bugs If you see some bugs - tell me to the trailer here TRAILER HERE