Wanted Level
new wanted level cars
Information Files
Author: Hollywood Jack
Works with: GTA San Andreas 
Release/Version: 1.5
Status: Complete
Started on: 04 Apr 2014
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015
Views: 36074
Type: Collaborative (other modder(s)' work involved)
Rating: 4.78948 (19 votes)
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This is my 6th wanted level modification and it adds some new vehicles in pursuit (and also roadblocks):
3rd star - 2 vehicles - cheetah with undercover cops and standard police car,
4th star - 2 vehicles - swatvan (with the swat driver, passenger and gunman on top) and the unchanged enforcer,
5th star - 3 vehicles - swatvan (with the FBI driver, passenger and gunman on top), fbitruck (with 2 FBI agents) and the unchanged FBI rancher,
6th star - 3 vehicles - patriots with 4 soldiers and unchanged barracks and rhino.

Unlike most of the mods with a purpose to add a new vehicle to the wanted level, this one uses the original ones and changes their models randomly. So the "new" cars will act exactly the same as the old ones (the police personel in the new cars will act slightly diferent - they will mostly try to eliminate the player, although they are also capable to arrest at some cases. The codes are open sourced so they aloud the players even with small experiance to modify it to their own wishes.

- Compatible with multiple versions (mostly supported by Sanny Builder) and also PL,
- The version which is not supported with this mod will not make any changes to the game,
- tested several times...
waelbeji commented over 7 years ago:
((about tank fire mod)) hi again dude please make an update and decrease the ennemy NPC's fire rate and make it normal ... thei're shooting like machine guns ... come on it won't take you much time you know how to fix it :( :(
Jack commented over 8 years ago:
 QUOTE (eagle152 @ 20:47, Today)
Can you please add a Hunter helicopter alongside Police Maverick on 6 star wanted level?
The Hunter attack code is available for download - go to MOD SHOWROOM.
eagle152 commented over 8 years ago:
Can you please add a Hunter helicopter alongside Police Maverick on 6 star wanted level?
Jack commented over 9 years ago:
 QUOTE (GTA_1981 @ 21:06, 21 Jan 2015)
Aside from the suggestion, I also discovered some serious bugs with this cleo script - the peds that use unique vehicles seem to be invincible to everything except your attacks, and most of the time, when gang members try to fight cops (that use unique vehicles), their character models 'magically' turn into police models that they're fighting against. PS: Sorry for the terribly late reply.
GTA_1981 commented over 9 years ago:
Aside from the suggestion, I also discovered some serious bugs with this cleo script - the peds that use unique vehicles seem to be invincible to everything except your attacks, and most of the time, when gang members try to fight cops (that use unique vehicles), their character models 'magically' turn into police models that they're fighting against. PS: Sorry for the terribly late reply.
GTA_1981 commented over 9 years ago:
 QUOTE (JACK JONES @ 11:53, 20 Jul 2014)
I'm making some universal wanted level mod - which will add more vehicles (the police, SWAT, FBI, ARMY and maybe more personel will driving it). About your idea - I don't understand do you want just vehicles or just foot cops to be merged into one single WL star (or both)?
Ok, to be more clear, my proposed idea is that even if you reach higher wanted levels, the forces that you encounter in lower wanted levels will not be replaced completely by higher forces - instead they will still fight alongside the new forces. For example, on 6th star, you will still encounter SWAT and FBI forces from 4th & 5th star, alongside the military. So instead of having the game replacing lower forces with different ones as you reach higher wanted levels, the game will add another type of force for each wanted level.
FallenEarthBry47 commented over 9 years ago:
great mod but there's a problem i have, when i try to spawn swat tank, the game crashes. it only does this with your mod because i removed your mod and tried again, it spawns and doesn't crash.
HilArius999 commented over 9 years ago:
can you please add a hunter heli chasing you and shooting you rockets in 6 star? it would be great :)
JACK JONES commented over 9 years ago:
I'm kind of busy these days so I don't have enough time. However I AM planing to make this mod better. So in the meantime please describe what kind of a problem you have by using these two mods together (mine and hide of cops v2 mod). That way I could easily find out what's the problem and remove it.
HilArius999 commented over 9 years ago:
can you please make it compatible for junior's hide of cops v2 mod? this mod is great!
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